WE, the descendants of the, Fahnbulleh/Freeman Family, by God's grace and love, hereby organize ourselves into an organic body, known as the Fahnbulleh/Freeman Family Organization. Our fundamental objective is to promote the social and economic well-being of the members of the Freeman/Freeman family.

The objective of the Organization shall be to strengthen the ties of fellowship and kinship between living members of the Fahnbulleh/Freeman Family, to maintain family unity through Organization of family members in a social way; and to perpetuate the memory and genealogy of the ancestors and descendants of the Fahnbulleh/Freeman Family; and to combining the resources and efforts of the members of the family in performing charitable endeavors in education through the family charitable educational efforts.


We are the Vais (meaning bold or fearless) and we belong to the Malinka group. History recalls that this group came from the Kingdom of Mali in the Sudan during the death of Mansa Oule and Mansa Moussa. That period saw a vacuum in leadership and our great-great ancestor rose to fill that leadership vacuum. As a leader of immense prowess, he set out to challenge and conquer new frontiers while in search of the Atlanta Ocean for ocean salt. This was around the thirteenth century.

As an adventurous warrior from Sudan, his adventure took him across the Sahara Desert. He later boasted of large followers including his many kin, servants, and captives. He was a trailblazer who left his footprints as a mark of a distinguished warrior at every new frontier he conquered. He reached Liberia around 1326, through what is known today as Lofa County. He settled briefly among the Lormas and won their loyalty. He was called Vai-ambulai (Vah means father among the Lormas and Madingos). He later set out for this destination-the Atlantic coast -through Grand Cape Mount County. He settled in Garwula Chiefdom and soon challenged the authority of the Gola chiefs and Da-zoes.

He was crowned and celebrated as a chief and Da-zoe. He then established his guard post at a village called Banford and subsequently founded the town of Mani as a transit into the chiefdom of Tombay. He later migrated toward the southwest and established the first Fahnbulleh town called Gbesseh.

History recalls that it was in that town that seven prominent sons of his were born and each one moved and established his own town. This is why we have the seven original Fahnbulleh towns. They had children and those children also moved and established their own towns.

Historically, the name Fahnbulleh has taken on different meanings. It is believed that the name derived from the Lormas. Vah-Ambulai means father Ambulai. When he settled among the Golas, he was called Fa-Ambulai, which also means father Ambulai. The name later became Fahn-bulleh among the Vais; meaning the children of Fahn or literally translated, the children from Fahn's Belleh.

The Fahnbulleh/Freeman connection is tied to the influence of western culture and the attempt to destroy the African culture and heritage; the slave masters gave us the western name "Freeman". As members of the royal Fahnbulleh, our ancestors refused to sell any members of their royal family as slaves, even though they were engaged in slavery and bought slaves to serve the royal family. In later years, after pondering the human degradation, they engaged in Human Emancipation, bought slaves, and set them free. In view of the foregoing, the slave masters gave our family the name "Free-Men" which came to be known as Freemen.


Mohamedu Jones (Maryland) - Chairperson
Hawa Freeman-Clemens (Maryland) - Vice Chairperson
William "Feweh" Sherman (New York)
Lady Freeman (Maryland)
Maiatu Davis (Maryland)
George Fahnbulleh (New York)
Edwina Freeman (Maryland)
Hawa Fahnbulleh (Texas) - Honorary
Austin "Mambu" Freeman (Maryland) - Honorary


Abrom Shepard (New York) - President
Wokie Freeman (Minnesota) - Vice President
Georgia Khoury (Maryland) - Secretary
Famatta Freeman (New York) - Treasurer
Noble Fahnbulleh (Minnesota) - Financial Secretary
Bendu Fahnbulleh (Minnesota) - Chaplain